If you’re anxious or afraid of dental treatments, we offer safe and effective sedation options. Contact us today, in Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, to learn more.
Sedation Options for Dental Treatments
Here at Boulevard Dental Practice, both Mr Costello and Dr Matthew Harvey are pleased to be able to offer our dental phobic or very nervous and anxious patients, Inhalation Sedation, also known as RA or "happy air". This can take away the stress, fear and anxiety often associated with dental treatment. The gas and air are administered before any treatment or local anaesthetic is given this will help to make you feel calm and relaxed, so able to cope with the dental treatment that follows.
Our Procedure
The technique will involve you wearing a small mask over your nose throughout your dental treatment which allows you to breathe as normal whilst breathing in the gas and air. This is a very safe form of sedation and can be used on both adults and children with its effects wearing off within a few minutes of stopping administration.
This means that you will generally begin to feel completely normal quickly after treatment, giving the added benefit of allowing you to carry on with normal life or to drive home if necessary. We are also able to offer several different methods of administering the local anaesthetic for treatment which often suit nervous or anxious patients.